Hello and welcome to another PaladinElliott Review,
First let us cover what Santorini is about:
PLEASE NOTE: This is a review of a homemade version based off of that created by Gavin Brown and Roxley Games, which is displayed in their successful Kickstarter. I tried to follow their claim of creating a "A highly thematic pure strategy experience featuring beautiful miniatures, game-altering player powers and 3D board."
Santorini (Thera) refers to the Greek Island and the Municipality on said Island in the Southern Aegean Sea. This strategy game is where you get to play as a Greek God/Goddess/Hero/Monster from the Mythos and compete to best help the inhabitants of the Island build their village into something magnificent!
The Kickstarter promises the game to be highly thematic, highly accessible, with beautiful miniatures and high quality production. The game can be played within twenty minutes (our games ranged from ten to fifteen) and you get to draw your character from roughly 54 different cards (which is subject to change via the production versus retail versions) and use them against each other in the efforts of moving one of your builders up to the game winning level three.
The game will support 2 to 4 players, but the best experience I believe will be that of the two player session. In this you have a move, and build game turn. You move one of your two builders (the number of builders can change depending on your character card) into a neighboring space. You then have the option with this move to have your builder step up one level (three levels of buildings not counting the dome to close off a building) or down as many levels as you want (that is allowed by the buildings in that area). The build is what follows, where you can place a building (level 1, 2, or 3) adjacent to the builder. Example you move up to a level 2, and you are beside a level 2, you can build level 3 on the level 2 you are standing beside. The dome can be built on a level 3 as a means of blocking someone who is about to ascend to victory. Once a dome is on a level 3 building, the building is locked for the remainder of the game.
What components does the Kickstarter version, and the version you made have?
The Produced version will have 18 domes, 14 level 3, 18 level 2, 22 level 1, 1 pedestal to hold the board game on, 2 tan builders, 2 grey builders, 2 purple builders, 1 game board (the island), 1 ocean board as scenery below the pedestal, and 1 golden fleece. They will also be producing the character cards (3 bonus cards in the production version that will not be in the retail version.
My version has 18 domes, 18 level 3, 18 level 2 and 22 level 1, and all of this was printed on cardstock and taped with packing tape. The images were of modern day Santorini. The pedestal (made out of dark hard foam)
holds up a cardstock island board that is taped together by packing tape. Underneath is the larger ocean board again out of cardstock taped the same way. I used card stock to print out the character cards, and sleeved them. I also used materials I had on hand (tokens) to make or fulfill the Imagination, Arrow, Wind and Ambrosia needed for some of the characters. I also printed out two Compass Roses and used plastic Easter Eggs for the domes. The pawns were printed out on adhesive printing paper, attached to cardboard, and super glued onto plastic caps. This included the Golden Fleece pawn (if a character is adjacent to the Golden Fleece then that player may use the character power assigned to the Golden Fleece-which is randomly predetermined at the beginning of the game). The process took ten days, and the results can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SknmU3rPtfs
We had 3 games played in one sitting, and here is the summary:
-On May 22nd, 2016
Game One
-Arnold (my son) draws Demeter and ends up winning the game
-I had Hestia and lost
-We each had 2 builders, and there was 9 level 1, 6 level 2, 3 level 3, and 1 dome used. Game lasted 15 minutes.
Game Two
-Talia (my daughter) has Hephaestus and loses
-I have Artemis and I win.
-We each had 2 builders
-5 level 1, 4 level 2, 2 level 3, and 0 domes used
-Game lasted 10 minutes
Game Three
-Talia has Charybdis and wins
-I have Nemesis and lost
-We each had 2 builders
-5 level 1, 4 level 2, 1 level 3, and 0 domes used
-Game was almost 10 minutes
The summary:
This is a great game for many ages, and in our case it was 5, 7, and my 38 years old. This game is very upfront in players trying very quickly to setup and secure their way to level 3 while having to make the decision on how and went they can (if they can) hinder the opponent from doing the same thing. The game is very spatial, along with solid decision making, and teaching the players how to see moves ahead in their mind while playing in the real time of the game. I found that every game both of my children, and myself, felt like it was a great experience, win or lose. This is a game where you can play with the Golden Fleece or not, you can choose or randomly draw characters (depending on what the players agree on). You can play without the characters if you want. There is many ways to augment this experience and by doing so create different difficulties in which to play.
I completely recommend playing this game, whether you make your own homemade version, buy an earlier version of the game and add to it in your own way, or choose to buy the upcoming version from Roxley Games. It will be well worth it, and see much play in many gaming circles.
Thank you so much for reading my PaladinElliott review, so if you want more then check out the following:
Please check out some of my videos at youtube:
Please check out my Ready To Game Podcast at Soundcloud:
Please check out my PaladinElliott BlogPost at:
or at Itunes:
Remember To Keep Gaming On!
Covering all things related to the world of Gaming!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
A Session Report on Tesla vs Edison: The Powering Up Expansion by PaladinElliott
Hello again everyone,
This is PaladinElliott from Ready To Game bringing you a playtest session between my wife Stephanie and myself. I will first start with the details of the game and then a summary to follow.
Events of the Game:
Grosvenor P. Lowery Phase 1
Electorlier Phase 1 to me
Allan Pinkerton Phase 2
Gerlach Hotel Phase 2 to Steph
Panic of 1893 Phase 3
Pullman Strike Phase 3 to me
Propaganda of the Game:
James Garfield Phase 1 to me
First Electric Christmas Tree Lights Phase 1 to Steph
Sarah Bervhardt Phase 1 to Steph
Dash Phase 2
Whoever Cries First Loses! Phase 2
Chester Arthur Phase 2
Benjamin Harrison Phase 3 to me
Westinghoused Phase 3 to Steph
The First Of A Race Of Robots Phase 3 to Steph
I had:
Score: 35+6+10+4=55
I was Thomas A. Edison
1-Sarah E. Goodie
2-Josephine Cochrane
2-Mary Anderson
I had all of these built:
Laboratory-Menlo Park, Works-West Orange, Office-Jay Gould, Studio-Medico-Legal Society
I had my Preferred Stock + 3 Edison Stock
Steph had:
Points 36+5+5+6+6= 58
She was Madam CJ Walker
She had:
1-Edmonia Lewis
1-Fannie Farmer
2-Thomas W. Lawson
She had built these three:
Laboratory-Royalties Contract, Works-640 North West St., Office-Glen Eyre
I had knocked out her fourth build:
Studio-Franklin Institute
She had her preferred stock + 2 Walker stock + 1 Edison stock
The Company Fame and AC/DC Fame ended like this:
Steph at 4 for Present and Future
myself at 5 for Present and Future
AC-1 stock, DC +2 Stock
my stock value on the board was 34, and hers was 52
My Technologies were: AC II + Patent, III + Patent, Bulb 3 + Patent, DC II
Her Technologies were: AC I , Bulb II + Patent, Bulb III, DC II + Patent, III + Patent
My projects were: Lynn (1), Providence (2), Worcester (2), and Montreal (2)
Steph has these projects: Albany (1), Rochester (3), Scranton (2), Menlo Park (1), New York City (3), and Newark (3)
The summary:
Steph struck first on Projects, which set the tempo of the game. I found she was moving constantly one step ahead of me, as I was moving methodically and she was capitalizing on that. She also push stock values up, so she was drawing in more through profits. She surprised me with her unexpected quiet skill in this session. She should be very proud of herself in her first playtest of this game with the expansion! I found that I was always in a position of her action, and my reaction, and it got me in the end, even being able to knock out one part of her headquarters!
I will not underestimate her again.
Thanks for reading about what happened in this playtest session!
Please look at my work with the Ready To Game Podcasts at Soundcloud:
or Itunes:
and my PaladinElliott BlogPost on Gaming and Life at:
Have a good one and keep gaming!
This is PaladinElliott from Ready To Game bringing you a playtest session between my wife Stephanie and myself. I will first start with the details of the game and then a summary to follow.
Events of the Game:
Grosvenor P. Lowery Phase 1
Electorlier Phase 1 to me
Allan Pinkerton Phase 2
Gerlach Hotel Phase 2 to Steph
Panic of 1893 Phase 3
Pullman Strike Phase 3 to me
Propaganda of the Game:
James Garfield Phase 1 to me
First Electric Christmas Tree Lights Phase 1 to Steph
Sarah Bervhardt Phase 1 to Steph
Dash Phase 2
Whoever Cries First Loses! Phase 2
Chester Arthur Phase 2
Benjamin Harrison Phase 3 to me
Westinghoused Phase 3 to Steph
The First Of A Race Of Robots Phase 3 to Steph
I had:
Score: 35+6+10+4=55
I was Thomas A. Edison
1-Sarah E. Goodie
2-Josephine Cochrane
2-Mary Anderson
I had all of these built:
Laboratory-Menlo Park, Works-West Orange, Office-Jay Gould, Studio-Medico-Legal Society
I had my Preferred Stock + 3 Edison Stock
Steph had:
Points 36+5+5+6+6= 58
She was Madam CJ Walker
She had:
1-Edmonia Lewis
1-Fannie Farmer
2-Thomas W. Lawson
She had built these three:
Laboratory-Royalties Contract, Works-640 North West St., Office-Glen Eyre
I had knocked out her fourth build:
Studio-Franklin Institute
She had her preferred stock + 2 Walker stock + 1 Edison stock
The Company Fame and AC/DC Fame ended like this:
Steph at 4 for Present and Future
myself at 5 for Present and Future
AC-1 stock, DC +2 Stock
my stock value on the board was 34, and hers was 52
My Technologies were: AC II + Patent, III + Patent, Bulb 3 + Patent, DC II
Her Technologies were: AC I , Bulb II + Patent, Bulb III, DC II + Patent, III + Patent
My projects were: Lynn (1), Providence (2), Worcester (2), and Montreal (2)
Steph has these projects: Albany (1), Rochester (3), Scranton (2), Menlo Park (1), New York City (3), and Newark (3)
The summary:
Steph struck first on Projects, which set the tempo of the game. I found she was moving constantly one step ahead of me, as I was moving methodically and she was capitalizing on that. She also push stock values up, so she was drawing in more through profits. She surprised me with her unexpected quiet skill in this session. She should be very proud of herself in her first playtest of this game with the expansion! I found that I was always in a position of her action, and my reaction, and it got me in the end, even being able to knock out one part of her headquarters!
I will not underestimate her again.
Thanks for reading about what happened in this playtest session!
Please look at my work with the Ready To Game Podcasts at Soundcloud:
or Itunes:
and my PaladinElliott BlogPost on Gaming and Life at:
Have a good one and keep gaming!
This is my Master Video List Document that will be updated regularly...
Game Tokens from Hobby Lobby (using them as such):
Watchmen Of Destiny Playthrough:
Marshmallow Fight Playthrough:
My homemade Santorini Board Game:
Watchmen Of Destiny Playthrough:
Marshmallow Fight Playthrough:
My homemade Santorini Board Game:
Friday, May 20, 2016
Chasing Your Dreams, and the cost...
So hello to all of you wonderful people out there,
I thought I would share some of the costs of chasing my dream about being a Game Consultant. I shall indulge you if you allow me.
First, the money involved can add up. I use my Canon Pixma MG5220 a lot, and seven days ago the cyan stopped printing. I went through all the trouble shooting, light head cleaning, deep head cleaning, pulling out the print head and cleaning the whole thing (minus the electronic chips) with distilled water. Nothing. I went through all the different procedures, and all of the troubleshooting printouts, and again nothing. I broke down and ordered a new printhead straight from Canon, and they waved my shipping fee when I explained that we have their product only, and for years. I also explained that I was aware of the class action lawsuit that ended against them in December of last year, and that my model was on the list of faulty models concerning print heads. The piece arrived today, and is working fine (so far). Total damage, lost 1 week of productivity, and $97.00 USD.
Second, taking advice from my Therapist, to "invest in the relationships that invest in you", I found that I quickly became aware of the people who do versus those who don't. I found that three people over the last 6 weeks fell into the category of not investing in me. These three, as time went on seemed more resistant, apathetic, or in the case of one of them immediately referred that I treat my friends as a play test group and nothing more.
My biggest mistake, wasn't thinking that I could be great at something, but that it is was possible to bring my gaming friends along. I assure you I have paid dearly for that mistake, because I will warn all of you that there are people you know that will not (whether directly or indirectly) want to be around you or support you in succeeding. It is almost as if some will want you to stay at your level and not move up.
So, tonight please chase your dreams, chase the games you want to play, chase down the time to spend with people, and be warned that some will not help you in pursuit. Don't be angry with them, though you will be upset, just invest in those who will support you chasing your dreams.
Until next time,
I thought I would share some of the costs of chasing my dream about being a Game Consultant. I shall indulge you if you allow me.
First, the money involved can add up. I use my Canon Pixma MG5220 a lot, and seven days ago the cyan stopped printing. I went through all the trouble shooting, light head cleaning, deep head cleaning, pulling out the print head and cleaning the whole thing (minus the electronic chips) with distilled water. Nothing. I went through all the different procedures, and all of the troubleshooting printouts, and again nothing. I broke down and ordered a new printhead straight from Canon, and they waved my shipping fee when I explained that we have their product only, and for years. I also explained that I was aware of the class action lawsuit that ended against them in December of last year, and that my model was on the list of faulty models concerning print heads. The piece arrived today, and is working fine (so far). Total damage, lost 1 week of productivity, and $97.00 USD.
Second, taking advice from my Therapist, to "invest in the relationships that invest in you", I found that I quickly became aware of the people who do versus those who don't. I found that three people over the last 6 weeks fell into the category of not investing in me. These three, as time went on seemed more resistant, apathetic, or in the case of one of them immediately referred that I treat my friends as a play test group and nothing more.
My biggest mistake, wasn't thinking that I could be great at something, but that it is was possible to bring my gaming friends along. I assure you I have paid dearly for that mistake, because I will warn all of you that there are people you know that will not (whether directly or indirectly) want to be around you or support you in succeeding. It is almost as if some will want you to stay at your level and not move up.
So, tonight please chase your dreams, chase the games you want to play, chase down the time to spend with people, and be warned that some will not help you in pursuit. Don't be angry with them, though you will be upset, just invest in those who will support you chasing your dreams.
Until next time,
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Promises Kept Part Two
So now for Part Two,
Emotions would continue to run high for the rest of the day. Feeling that I had completed a major task in sending the package to our female friend, I now needed to focus on the story of another gamer. One, who sadly took his own life last Thursday, and what is even worse was that he was age ten.
Colin Fraley, wanted to be a video game designer, and apparently had been troubled from age five, or so what we are all being told. Yet, no one would have know, he was a boy who took it upon himself to engage my son and daughter in "hello" "how are you?" "hey guys". "So why is this a big deal?" you may ask. Well my son and daughter (as many of you know are 7 and 5) are very personable, with speaking to many people, and how we give lovies (hugs). I am blessed that my wife and I have raised two very compassionate children, and Colin wasn't one of the children who blew off their talk, their greetings, their hugs. No, he embraced it, and gave them conservation in return. He gave them...happiness in return.
Stephanie and I had discussed would we attend, who would attend, in terms of the funeral (which was yesterday). We decided that it would be too much for our children, and my wife would not be able to leave work at The Ohio State University. I am in the most flexible position of all of us, and decided since I have been no stranger to death (my time in Iraq, and personal experiences) that I would represent the Elliott Family.
My message in the card left spoke of how I made a promise to not only myself, but to my wife, and my therapist that I would try to become a better Father, Husband, Gamer, Human Being, and always try to remember what is most important about life. I found that by attending the funeral, and sharing with the father the story that I have shared with you here, that I honored what I set out to do.I spoke of the loss for the community that we would never know the games he would design, both board and video, and that the possibilities of what was lost could not be fully counted.
By sharing with him, and through the tears we all had yesterday, I found that I was focusing on being better, and spending more time loving, caring, holding, and gaming with those I care about. I realized that Colin had given me two gifts, focus and clarity. I left, sharing with my family the conversation that had taken place, and how the outpouring of the school, and that of the community was fully and beautifully present.
Please make and take time to be with loved ones, and do things with them, including gaming, because on any given Thursday, it can come to an abrupt and catastrophic end. On any given Wednesday, you could be attending a funeral of a child, thinking about what you as a human being would have done differently, had you been given the time back.
I hope this story goes with you as well, the story of my second promise kept.
Emotions would continue to run high for the rest of the day. Feeling that I had completed a major task in sending the package to our female friend, I now needed to focus on the story of another gamer. One, who sadly took his own life last Thursday, and what is even worse was that he was age ten.
Colin Fraley, wanted to be a video game designer, and apparently had been troubled from age five, or so what we are all being told. Yet, no one would have know, he was a boy who took it upon himself to engage my son and daughter in "hello" "how are you?" "hey guys". "So why is this a big deal?" you may ask. Well my son and daughter (as many of you know are 7 and 5) are very personable, with speaking to many people, and how we give lovies (hugs). I am blessed that my wife and I have raised two very compassionate children, and Colin wasn't one of the children who blew off their talk, their greetings, their hugs. No, he embraced it, and gave them conservation in return. He gave them...happiness in return.
Stephanie and I had discussed would we attend, who would attend, in terms of the funeral (which was yesterday). We decided that it would be too much for our children, and my wife would not be able to leave work at The Ohio State University. I am in the most flexible position of all of us, and decided since I have been no stranger to death (my time in Iraq, and personal experiences) that I would represent the Elliott Family.
My message in the card left spoke of how I made a promise to not only myself, but to my wife, and my therapist that I would try to become a better Father, Husband, Gamer, Human Being, and always try to remember what is most important about life. I found that by attending the funeral, and sharing with the father the story that I have shared with you here, that I honored what I set out to do.I spoke of the loss for the community that we would never know the games he would design, both board and video, and that the possibilities of what was lost could not be fully counted.
By sharing with him, and through the tears we all had yesterday, I found that I was focusing on being better, and spending more time loving, caring, holding, and gaming with those I care about. I realized that Colin had given me two gifts, focus and clarity. I left, sharing with my family the conversation that had taken place, and how the outpouring of the school, and that of the community was fully and beautifully present.
Please make and take time to be with loved ones, and do things with them, including gaming, because on any given Thursday, it can come to an abrupt and catastrophic end. On any given Wednesday, you could be attending a funeral of a child, thinking about what you as a human being would have done differently, had you been given the time back.
I hope this story goes with you as well, the story of my second promise kept.
Promises Kept Part One
Hello again to everyone,
Yesterday, wow it was quite the day, and a lot of it was tied to gaming (in one form or another). So now that it is the next morning, and I have had time to digest it all, let's go through it together!
First, I will give you the background for part one of yesterday. A couple of weeks back (the end of April) I went on an adventure to McHenry, Illinois, to purchase a car load of board games. I had been tracking on almost twenty different Facebook groups how the thrift stores across entire sections of Illinois had received lots of board games from one of the largest board game companies in the world (Mayfair Games).
Apparently, Mayfair does this each year, and I have seen pictures and read stories of it in the past. This year, I decided I was going to get in on this. After a couple days of discussion with my wife, we decided to go for it. She made the arrangements and I set off on a Friday night leaving Columbus (Hilliard), Ohio, for Merrillville, Indiana. I called it a night about 2 am at a hotel there, with only 100 miles left to McHenry. The next morning after breakfast, I left, and traveled around Chicago, and got to the store about ten minutes after they opened. Their manager and staff were very kind, and I had become a legend of sorts with them. The next hour found me purchasing 67 games, and still leaving them with just as many, if not more. I also had browsed their normal gaming section, and adding 5 more games. I got it all loaded up, took some pictures, called Stephanie to give her an update, and started on my way home (400 miles from the thrift store back to Columbus).
I got back around 5:30 PM Eastern (mentioning that because I crossed Eastern to Central, and then crossed back on this trip to come home), and started to share my adventure not only with my family, but also on the internet through the same groups where I first found out about this deal. This led to many wonderful people expressing wonder, support, and an overwhelming feeling of "well done", but to my surprise there were several voices expressing how I was a crook, a thief, and going to rob people through this in my reselling. Several online arguments erupted, but in the midst of all this a female spoke up about how lucky I was, and how she had to leave her game collection behind. I asked her to explain further away from all this in private messages, and I came to find out that she had been a victim of domestic abuse and violence. She traveled across the country to get away, fleeing in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind, only to start anew with a new identity.
Once I had enough information I would start preparing a care package for her. She trusted me with her personal information, and I have the resources, means, and know how to send her some games. As I was doing this, out of the blue another game designer (Dave Wilde) contacted me and said he had caught some of the public discussion, and wanted to help by making an inquiry with me if I knew more. Dave and I worked together, and have become fast friends (he is in Louisiana) through this project of helping and caring. Dave sent a care package of his products, and yesterday I finished assembling my care package. I placed within it two games that were part of my treasure haul, Perfectly Posh items from my wife's business stock, and one prototype of Watchmen of Destiny by Lukas Litvaj.
I sent her the tracking information, and spoke with her on the phone, she sounded between happy and crying, and I realize I had put my money where my mouth was, along with Stephanie, Dave, and Lukas. This was the first Promise Kept yesterday....
Yesterday, wow it was quite the day, and a lot of it was tied to gaming (in one form or another). So now that it is the next morning, and I have had time to digest it all, let's go through it together!
First, I will give you the background for part one of yesterday. A couple of weeks back (the end of April) I went on an adventure to McHenry, Illinois, to purchase a car load of board games. I had been tracking on almost twenty different Facebook groups how the thrift stores across entire sections of Illinois had received lots of board games from one of the largest board game companies in the world (Mayfair Games).
Apparently, Mayfair does this each year, and I have seen pictures and read stories of it in the past. This year, I decided I was going to get in on this. After a couple days of discussion with my wife, we decided to go for it. She made the arrangements and I set off on a Friday night leaving Columbus (Hilliard), Ohio, for Merrillville, Indiana. I called it a night about 2 am at a hotel there, with only 100 miles left to McHenry. The next morning after breakfast, I left, and traveled around Chicago, and got to the store about ten minutes after they opened. Their manager and staff were very kind, and I had become a legend of sorts with them. The next hour found me purchasing 67 games, and still leaving them with just as many, if not more. I also had browsed their normal gaming section, and adding 5 more games. I got it all loaded up, took some pictures, called Stephanie to give her an update, and started on my way home (400 miles from the thrift store back to Columbus).
I got back around 5:30 PM Eastern (mentioning that because I crossed Eastern to Central, and then crossed back on this trip to come home), and started to share my adventure not only with my family, but also on the internet through the same groups where I first found out about this deal. This led to many wonderful people expressing wonder, support, and an overwhelming feeling of "well done", but to my surprise there were several voices expressing how I was a crook, a thief, and going to rob people through this in my reselling. Several online arguments erupted, but in the midst of all this a female spoke up about how lucky I was, and how she had to leave her game collection behind. I asked her to explain further away from all this in private messages, and I came to find out that she had been a victim of domestic abuse and violence. She traveled across the country to get away, fleeing in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind, only to start anew with a new identity.
Once I had enough information I would start preparing a care package for her. She trusted me with her personal information, and I have the resources, means, and know how to send her some games. As I was doing this, out of the blue another game designer (Dave Wilde) contacted me and said he had caught some of the public discussion, and wanted to help by making an inquiry with me if I knew more. Dave and I worked together, and have become fast friends (he is in Louisiana) through this project of helping and caring. Dave sent a care package of his products, and yesterday I finished assembling my care package. I placed within it two games that were part of my treasure haul, Perfectly Posh items from my wife's business stock, and one prototype of Watchmen of Destiny by Lukas Litvaj.
I sent her the tracking information, and spoke with her on the phone, she sounded between happy and crying, and I realize I had put my money where my mouth was, along with Stephanie, Dave, and Lukas. This was the first Promise Kept yesterday....
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
My review and playthrough (with my wife) of 7 Wonders: Duel
Telling you about the game:
This is a two player, roughly 30 minutes (we went one hour due to teaching my wife) ages 10 and up game. This is a card drawing, civilization leading, construction oriented, paying attention to symbols,game. You represent one civilization and its capital, growing through raw materials (brown cards), specialized materials (grey cards) merchants and business (yellow cards), civics(blue cards), military (red cards), science (green cards), and bonuses (purple cards).
Through the drawing of cards you will either build the card, as a normal building, sell the card for money, or sacrifice the card to build a wonder. All of this will constitute a city. The game carries out over 3 ages, with the last one not only being the possible ending, but the only place where you will see the bonus purple cards (3 of them) known as the Guilds. These are powerful cards that can help drive up your resources instantly and grant victory points in the end.
There are three types of victories that can be achieved in this game. There is the Military, Scientific, and Civilian Victories. First, to address Military power between the two cities, is a track that has a neutral zone (balance of power) and then can shift 8 additional spaces one way or 8 additional spaces the other. If one player is able to drive the military marker all the way down one side against the other player, not only will they inflict money losses on the opponent but either score victory points and/or achieve complete victory by sacking the opponent's capital. The scientific victory consists of obtaining six out of the seven scientific symbols. Gaining a duplicate symbol along the way allows you to take a Progress token, which can be in the form of instant money, victory points, discounts to building wonders and more. The seven symbols represent advancements such as the wheel, weight scales, the sun dial, and others. The civilian victory is only if the other two have not been achieved, and then all victory points from all sources are totaled up and the highest score is the winner (in the case of a tie the person with the highest amount of points from their civilian cards (blue) wins.
The ages play out as each player has a chance of roughly playing 10 cards, before going to the next age. You have Wonders to choose from. Each player will end up having four through this process, a stack of 12 shuffled, draw four with one player taking one, then the other player taking two, and the first playing takes the remaining of the four. Then this is reversed for the players with a second batch of four. The remaining four will be out of the game. As you sacrifice cards to build these wonders (also having the resources needed) you will want to be the first one to build three of your four Wonders, for if you do, you will be able to lock out the potential of the other player building their fourth Wonder (only seven of the eight are allowed to be built).
On the cards you will find at the top the ability they grant, on the top left you will find their cost to be built, if there is nothing there then the card is built for free. Also if there is a symbol in white, such as a column,tear, sword, etc. This denotes that it is built for free if you have the corresponding card to match. You will know this if the white symbol to match is on a card's top right. An example of this is the card Garrison with a sword icon in white on its top right, and allows you to freely build Barracks if you draw the card.
This brings us to a very important aspect of drawing cards in this game. Each age has a formation that you lay the cards out in, some are face up, and others are face down. Some of these cards will be locked down, and not available until you free them, by removing the cards that pin part of them down. This creates another risk/reward system, as you might go for what truly helps you, but may free up cards that are of benefit to your opponent, and you won't even know until they are revealed.
The other thing to note is that you can, or may have to sell a card. The base money you will receive is 2 plus however many yellow cards you have in play. If you have none then two + zero means you get two gold.
You may find yourself short of resources, you may need one more brick, so you must check your opponent first, and they have one. So here is the equation for each resource you are missing, two + the amount of the resource the opponent has, so in this case for each brick you need you pay two +one for a total of three. If you needed two brick it would be six total. If they have none, then you are paying two + zero for each brick you need.
The setup of the game:
Get the board out, and between the players. Get the Military token on it, in the neutral zone, and place the broken coin tokens on the outer two sectors on each side (the broken coin 5 will be closest to each city, and then one step in will be the broken coin 2). Shuffle the ten Progress tokens, and draw 5 at random to be in the game, placed on the five corresponding circles above the military track. The others go back to the box. Each player will receive 7 coins to start with.
How did our game go?
Steph had:
Blue-Senate, Gardens, Statue, Theater, Baths
Red-Walls, Barracks, Stable
Brown-Clay Pit, Lumber Yard, Stone Pit
Yellow-Armory, Port, Forum, Clay Reserve, Tavern
Green-Observatory, Scriptorium, Workshop (3 separate science icons)
Purple-Builders Guild, Merchants Guild
Wonders-The Mausoleum (sacrificed Circus), The Great Lighthouse (sacrificed Laboratory), The Temple of Artemis (sacrificed Horse Breeders), and Circus Maximus (sacrificed Archery Range)
I had:
Blue-Town Hall, Pantheon, Obelisk, Tribunal
Red-Arsenal, Fortifications, Parade Ground, Guard Tower
Brown-Shelf Quarry, Quarry, Sawmill, Logging Camp, Brickyard, Clay Pool
Yellow-Chamber of Commerce, Lighthouse, Wood Reserve
Green- Academy, Library, Apothecary, Dispensary, Pharmacist, I had 4 separate icons and one was duplicated.
Grey-Drying Room, Glassworks
Purple-Shipowners Guild
Wonders- The Great Library (sacrificed Arena), The Hanging Gardens (sacrificed Rostrum), and Piraeus (sacrificed Temple)
Progress-Architecture, Law
I gained 5 victory and hit her for 2 coins due to my Military position against her. Unclaimed Progress were Philosophy, Strategy, Economy, and Urbanism. Other discards were Stone Reserve, Press, Customs House, School, Siege Workshop, and Courthouse.
I won 66 to her 59, as we both agreed the Military advantage towards the end is what gave me the upper hand.
Final Thoughts:
It was a lot of fun for the both of us. It took a little bit of time to learn, a lot of parts in play, but still easy to play. It has a good balance of luck vs skill. It captures the building a civilization theme beautifully. The game is visually pleasing, and even if you lose, it feels like you created a civilization.
Please check out some of my other reviews and videos by searching for: PaladinElliott Reviews Boardgamegeek
Please check out some of my videos at youtube:
Please check out my Ready To Game Podcast at Soundcloud:
or at Itunes:
Thank you so much and Keep Gaming On!
This is a two player, roughly 30 minutes (we went one hour due to teaching my wife) ages 10 and up game. This is a card drawing, civilization leading, construction oriented, paying attention to symbols,game. You represent one civilization and its capital, growing through raw materials (brown cards), specialized materials (grey cards) merchants and business (yellow cards), civics(blue cards), military (red cards), science (green cards), and bonuses (purple cards).
Through the drawing of cards you will either build the card, as a normal building, sell the card for money, or sacrifice the card to build a wonder. All of this will constitute a city. The game carries out over 3 ages, with the last one not only being the possible ending, but the only place where you will see the bonus purple cards (3 of them) known as the Guilds. These are powerful cards that can help drive up your resources instantly and grant victory points in the end.
There are three types of victories that can be achieved in this game. There is the Military, Scientific, and Civilian Victories. First, to address Military power between the two cities, is a track that has a neutral zone (balance of power) and then can shift 8 additional spaces one way or 8 additional spaces the other. If one player is able to drive the military marker all the way down one side against the other player, not only will they inflict money losses on the opponent but either score victory points and/or achieve complete victory by sacking the opponent's capital. The scientific victory consists of obtaining six out of the seven scientific symbols. Gaining a duplicate symbol along the way allows you to take a Progress token, which can be in the form of instant money, victory points, discounts to building wonders and more. The seven symbols represent advancements such as the wheel, weight scales, the sun dial, and others. The civilian victory is only if the other two have not been achieved, and then all victory points from all sources are totaled up and the highest score is the winner (in the case of a tie the person with the highest amount of points from their civilian cards (blue) wins.
The ages play out as each player has a chance of roughly playing 10 cards, before going to the next age. You have Wonders to choose from. Each player will end up having four through this process, a stack of 12 shuffled, draw four with one player taking one, then the other player taking two, and the first playing takes the remaining of the four. Then this is reversed for the players with a second batch of four. The remaining four will be out of the game. As you sacrifice cards to build these wonders (also having the resources needed) you will want to be the first one to build three of your four Wonders, for if you do, you will be able to lock out the potential of the other player building their fourth Wonder (only seven of the eight are allowed to be built).
On the cards you will find at the top the ability they grant, on the top left you will find their cost to be built, if there is nothing there then the card is built for free. Also if there is a symbol in white, such as a column,tear, sword, etc. This denotes that it is built for free if you have the corresponding card to match. You will know this if the white symbol to match is on a card's top right. An example of this is the card Garrison with a sword icon in white on its top right, and allows you to freely build Barracks if you draw the card.
This brings us to a very important aspect of drawing cards in this game. Each age has a formation that you lay the cards out in, some are face up, and others are face down. Some of these cards will be locked down, and not available until you free them, by removing the cards that pin part of them down. This creates another risk/reward system, as you might go for what truly helps you, but may free up cards that are of benefit to your opponent, and you won't even know until they are revealed.
The other thing to note is that you can, or may have to sell a card. The base money you will receive is 2 plus however many yellow cards you have in play. If you have none then two + zero means you get two gold.
You may find yourself short of resources, you may need one more brick, so you must check your opponent first, and they have one. So here is the equation for each resource you are missing, two + the amount of the resource the opponent has, so in this case for each brick you need you pay two +one for a total of three. If you needed two brick it would be six total. If they have none, then you are paying two + zero for each brick you need.
The setup of the game:
Get the board out, and between the players. Get the Military token on it, in the neutral zone, and place the broken coin tokens on the outer two sectors on each side (the broken coin 5 will be closest to each city, and then one step in will be the broken coin 2). Shuffle the ten Progress tokens, and draw 5 at random to be in the game, placed on the five corresponding circles above the military track. The others go back to the box. Each player will receive 7 coins to start with.
How did our game go?
Steph had:
Blue-Senate, Gardens, Statue, Theater, Baths
Red-Walls, Barracks, Stable
Brown-Clay Pit, Lumber Yard, Stone Pit
Yellow-Armory, Port, Forum, Clay Reserve, Tavern
Green-Observatory, Scriptorium, Workshop (3 separate science icons)
Purple-Builders Guild, Merchants Guild
Wonders-The Mausoleum (sacrificed Circus), The Great Lighthouse (sacrificed Laboratory), The Temple of Artemis (sacrificed Horse Breeders), and Circus Maximus (sacrificed Archery Range)
I had:
Blue-Town Hall, Pantheon, Obelisk, Tribunal
Red-Arsenal, Fortifications, Parade Ground, Guard Tower
Brown-Shelf Quarry, Quarry, Sawmill, Logging Camp, Brickyard, Clay Pool
Yellow-Chamber of Commerce, Lighthouse, Wood Reserve
Green- Academy, Library, Apothecary, Dispensary, Pharmacist, I had 4 separate icons and one was duplicated.
Grey-Drying Room, Glassworks
Purple-Shipowners Guild
Wonders- The Great Library (sacrificed Arena), The Hanging Gardens (sacrificed Rostrum), and Piraeus (sacrificed Temple)
Progress-Architecture, Law
I gained 5 victory and hit her for 2 coins due to my Military position against her. Unclaimed Progress were Philosophy, Strategy, Economy, and Urbanism. Other discards were Stone Reserve, Press, Customs House, School, Siege Workshop, and Courthouse.
I won 66 to her 59, as we both agreed the Military advantage towards the end is what gave me the upper hand.
Final Thoughts:
It was a lot of fun for the both of us. It took a little bit of time to learn, a lot of parts in play, but still easy to play. It has a good balance of luck vs skill. It captures the building a civilization theme beautifully. The game is visually pleasing, and even if you lose, it feels like you created a civilization.
Please check out some of my other reviews and videos by searching for: PaladinElliott Reviews Boardgamegeek
Please check out some of my videos at youtube:
Please check out my Ready To Game Podcast at Soundcloud:
or at Itunes:
Thank you so much and Keep Gaming On!
My review and family playthrough of Marshmallow Fight
Welcome to another written review from yours truly. This time I cover Marshmallow Fight, created by Dave Wilde https://www.facebook.com/dave.wilde3?fref=ts
What is all this fluffiness about?
So we have a game here about stunts performed with marshmallows. In completing these stunts successfully, you are awarded points. The first person to reach 10 points wins the game! (One exception where if the Fast Attack card is drawn, you are to grab a marshmallow and throw it at one player, if you hit the player in the forehead you get 2 points, but if they somehow catch it in their mouth they automatically win the game regardless of score)
What is in the box?
You get one set of instructions, 1 thirty second timer, 36 stunt cards, and 50 plastic scoring tokens.
What do you need?
You need three to six marshmallow loving people
a coffee cup (or something similar, and one bag of 10 oz marshmallows.
PLEASE NOTE: The first review was my wife and I playing a 2 player game, in which we had no problems, and are going to be playing it with out two children (ages 7 and 5) tonight, so we are considering the miniature marshmallows for smaller hands.
WARNING: As we learned last night, DO NOT have anything nearby that can spill, also don't have your dog near by if she likes to eat what hits the floor!
How do you set this up?
First take the 36 stunt cards and shuffle them, then place them face down on the table where all the players can reach them. Make sure that you then take the marshmallows, open them, and try to make sure everyone has reach to all of them. Make sure the scoring tokens, timer, and the coffee cup ( or the like) are near everyone's reach as well.
How does a turn play out?
Each person is going to draw a card from the deck and it is revealed to all players. The player then has a choice of either attempting the stunt or passing. If you choose to try, then you go through the attempt and if successful you gain the points according to the text on the card. If you fail the attempt or pass your turn is then over. The next player goes following a clockwise manner.
What are the stunts?
The Pyramid: You have 30 seconds to build a single wall of marshmallows in the shape of a pyramid. For every row you have above the base layer that holds for 3 seconds you score a point. So I have three marshmallows as the base, on top of it I have two as the next row, and one more on top of the the two, and it holds for three seconds, then I score 2 points (as I have two rows above the base layer).
Stack Em!: You stack marshmallows in a single column, and for every two you score a point. Say I have four stacked on top of each other, then I receive 2 points (4/2 =2). You have 30 seconds to do this.
Shoot n score: Aim for the cup, must be an arm's length away, and can't fully extend your arm in the attempt. If you get the marshmallow in the cup you get 2 points.
Goal Post: (same as paper football) you set up your fingers and thumbs to create a goal post, and if the player who attempts manages to flick the marshmallow through they receive 2 points.
Mouth Toss: You have 30 seconds to toss a marshmallow into the air and catch it in your mouth. You receive 3 points for this if you complete it. Please don't return it once it has been in your mouth!
Chin Chomp: (THE TOUGH ONE) You have 30 seconds to tip your head back, place a marshmallow on your chin, and move your chin to get the marshmallow in your mouth. You receive 3 points if you are successful.
The Choice Card: (has a question mark on it) You can choose any stunt except the Fast Attack or Marshmallow Fight to perform. The follow the text for whatever stunt you choose.
Fast Attack: This can't be passed, and you must as quickly as possible grab a marshmallow and hit one of the opponents in the forehead. Doing so gives you 2 points. If they somehow catch it in their mouth they automatically win the game regardless of score!
Marshmallow Fight: If this is drawn, everyone grabs marshmallows and OPEN FIRE! Once all the ammo is used up the players vote on who waged the Marshmallow Fight the best, the player voted will receive two points, and the person who drew the card receives one point. You are not allowed to vote for yourself. ( For our game we split the points from the vote, being two players).
If more than one person hits or goes over 10 points at the same time then you check tie breaker conditions. Highest score wins, and if there is a tie for highest score then the Marshmallow Duel takes place! There is a vote taken by those not part of the duel deciding who won the duel, once all the ammo is used up.
So what was it all like for us?
-Good, solid components!
-We both ate marshmallows both during the rules and the gameplay!
-We played a best of three
Game One: Steph had 11, I had 4
Game Two: Steph had 5, I had 10
Game Three: Steph had 5, I had 12
-You really need to make sure the dog is not in the room!
-This is a great late night party game!
-This is a fluff game, pun intended!
-The chin chomp is insane!
-This is the game to play when you are in desperate need of a laugh...or when you are hungry!
-I laughed hard enough to burn off the calories from all the marshmallows I just ate!
-The Marshmallow Fight Card is like a bag of marshmallows exploding!
-All of our games were finished in ten minutes or less!
-Hitting my hubby in the forehead with a marshmallow on the fast attack was awesome!
-Watching someone chin chomp is like watching a dog try to eat peanut butter!
-It was fun, now I feel sick from all the marshmallows I ate!
-Mop the floor before playing!
-The components were perfect for the game!
This is a great game to have around, when you just need to blow off some stress! This is going to be easily both a family game, and a party game, all in one! I recommend this to anyone who any of this applies to!
Please check the game at:
Please check out some of my other reviews and videos by searching for: PaladinElliott Reviews Boardgamegeek
Please check out some of my videos at youtube:
Please check out my Ready To Game Podcast at Soundcloud:
or at Itunes:
Thank you so much to Dave Wilde, and to all of you wonderful people taking the time to check this out!
Keep Gaming On!
What is all this fluffiness about?
So we have a game here about stunts performed with marshmallows. In completing these stunts successfully, you are awarded points. The first person to reach 10 points wins the game! (One exception where if the Fast Attack card is drawn, you are to grab a marshmallow and throw it at one player, if you hit the player in the forehead you get 2 points, but if they somehow catch it in their mouth they automatically win the game regardless of score)
What is in the box?
You get one set of instructions, 1 thirty second timer, 36 stunt cards, and 50 plastic scoring tokens.
What do you need?
You need three to six marshmallow loving people

PLEASE NOTE: The first review was my wife and I playing a 2 player game, in which we had no problems, and are going to be playing it with out two children (ages 7 and 5) tonight, so we are considering the miniature marshmallows for smaller hands.
WARNING: As we learned last night, DO NOT have anything nearby that can spill, also don't have your dog near by if she likes to eat what hits the floor!
How do you set this up?
First take the 36 stunt cards and shuffle them, then place them face down on the table where all the players can reach them. Make sure that you then take the marshmallows, open them, and try to make sure everyone has reach to all of them. Make sure the scoring tokens, timer, and the coffee cup ( or the like) are near everyone's reach as well.
How does a turn play out?
Each person is going to draw a card from the deck and it is revealed to all players. The player then has a choice of either attempting the stunt or passing. If you choose to try, then you go through the attempt and if successful you gain the points according to the text on the card. If you fail the attempt or pass your turn is then over. The next player goes following a clockwise manner.
What are the stunts?
The Pyramid: You have 30 seconds to build a single wall of marshmallows in the shape of a pyramid. For every row you have above the base layer that holds for 3 seconds you score a point. So I have three marshmallows as the base, on top of it I have two as the next row, and one more on top of the the two, and it holds for three seconds, then I score 2 points (as I have two rows above the base layer).
Stack Em!: You stack marshmallows in a single column, and for every two you score a point. Say I have four stacked on top of each other, then I receive 2 points (4/2 =2). You have 30 seconds to do this.
Shoot n score: Aim for the cup, must be an arm's length away, and can't fully extend your arm in the attempt. If you get the marshmallow in the cup you get 2 points.
Goal Post: (same as paper football) you set up your fingers and thumbs to create a goal post, and if the player who attempts manages to flick the marshmallow through they receive 2 points.
Mouth Toss: You have 30 seconds to toss a marshmallow into the air and catch it in your mouth. You receive 3 points for this if you complete it. Please don't return it once it has been in your mouth!
Chin Chomp: (THE TOUGH ONE) You have 30 seconds to tip your head back, place a marshmallow on your chin, and move your chin to get the marshmallow in your mouth. You receive 3 points if you are successful.
The Choice Card: (has a question mark on it) You can choose any stunt except the Fast Attack or Marshmallow Fight to perform. The follow the text for whatever stunt you choose.
Fast Attack: This can't be passed, and you must as quickly as possible grab a marshmallow and hit one of the opponents in the forehead. Doing so gives you 2 points. If they somehow catch it in their mouth they automatically win the game regardless of score!
Marshmallow Fight: If this is drawn, everyone grabs marshmallows and OPEN FIRE! Once all the ammo is used up the players vote on who waged the Marshmallow Fight the best, the player voted will receive two points, and the person who drew the card receives one point. You are not allowed to vote for yourself. ( For our game we split the points from the vote, being two players).
If more than one person hits or goes over 10 points at the same time then you check tie breaker conditions. Highest score wins, and if there is a tie for highest score then the Marshmallow Duel takes place! There is a vote taken by those not part of the duel deciding who won the duel, once all the ammo is used up.
So what was it all like for us?
-Good, solid components!
-We both ate marshmallows both during the rules and the gameplay!
-We played a best of three
Game One: Steph had 11, I had 4
Game Two: Steph had 5, I had 10
Game Three: Steph had 5, I had 12
-You really need to make sure the dog is not in the room!
-This is a great late night party game!
-This is a fluff game, pun intended!
-The chin chomp is insane!
-This is the game to play when you are in desperate need of a laugh...or when you are hungry!
-I laughed hard enough to burn off the calories from all the marshmallows I just ate!
-The Marshmallow Fight Card is like a bag of marshmallows exploding!
-All of our games were finished in ten minutes or less!
-Hitting my hubby in the forehead with a marshmallow on the fast attack was awesome!
-Watching someone chin chomp is like watching a dog try to eat peanut butter!
-It was fun, now I feel sick from all the marshmallows I ate!
-Mop the floor before playing!
-The components were perfect for the game!
This is a great game to have around, when you just need to blow off some stress! This is going to be easily both a family game, and a party game, all in one! I recommend this to anyone who any of this applies to!
Please check the game at:
Please check out some of my other reviews and videos by searching for: PaladinElliott Reviews Boardgamegeek
Please check out some of my videos at youtube:
Please check out my Ready To Game Podcast at Soundcloud:
or at Itunes:
Thank you so much to Dave Wilde, and to all of you wonderful people taking the time to check this out!
Keep Gaming On!
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